Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism
Metabolism is the process by which carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food are broken down by the body into energy. There are many factors that influence a person’s metabolism:
- Age: After age 40, metabolism slows by 5 percent each decade.
- Body mass: Lean, muscular body types have a higher rate of metabolism.
- Heredity: There is a connection.
- Sex: At rest, men burn more calories than women.
- Thyroid abnormality: An underactive thyroid can slow metabolism.
There are several ways to speed up your metabolism:
Diet Plan
Fasting or waiting too long between meals causes the metabolism to significantly slow down in order to compensate for the lack of fuel your body is receiving. Small, frequent meals keep the metabolism functioning at full speed. A well-functioning metabolism allows the body to burn more calories so you lose more weight.
What should you eat to speed up your metabolism? A high protein diet is important because protein takes 25 percent more energy to digest than carbohydrates. Food intake is processed by your body in this order: carbohydrates, fats, and finally protein. Eating low calorie snacks and protein-rich meals are the best dietary choice. Foods that speed up metabolism include:
- Fish
- Fresh fruit: especially blueberries, melon, apples, citrus fruit and tomatoes
- Fresh vegetables: especially spinach, broccoli, asparagus
- Lean protein: skinless chicken, lean beef
Keep your alcohol consumption low. Alcohol can make you feel hungry, so you consume extra calories from the alcohol and the extra snacks. If you want to feel full and increase your intake of healthy protein, low-fat dairy products, like milk and yogurt, can satiate your appetite.
Aerobic workouts and weight training three times a week is the best form of exercise to speed up metabolism. Why? Aerobics burn more calories than other forms of exercise. Weight training builds muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate is to sustain the muscle. One pound of fat burns two calories a day, while one pound of muscle burns 35 calories a day, at rest.
Increased stress is proven to inhibit the body’s metabolism, so try some relaxation techniques and time for you in between planned workouts.