The development of gynecomastia is usually connected with the pubertal changes which further leads to over development of the male breast tissue. This type of problem can come in any age group, but it’s most often during puberty when one is undergoing through hormonal changes. But now you don’t have to worry as you can easily get this treated by any skilled cosmetic surgeon like Dr Joseph Ajaka.
Today, there are various types of surgeries which are made for quick recovery and even consume very less time. Plastic surgery to cure gynecomastia problem is technically known as reduction mammaplasty. Gynecomastia condition in those men who have excessive fat in their breasts. Further, it can be unilateral or bilateral, and often causes emotional stress in the men.
Therefore, a male breast reduction is the most effective and commonly used treatment for the problem of gynecomastia. This type of cosmetic surgery treatment removes excess fat from the glandular tissue to make the chest flatter, firmer and masculine.
There are various types of reduction methods which include liposuction, cutting out excess fat or even using a combination of both that is liposuction and excision. Always keep in mind that you take treatment from a board certified plastic surgeon.
Procedure of Gynecomastia Treatment
Gynecomastia surgery or treatment is done using general anesthesia. This procedure usually takes about an hour to complete, further depending on the amount of tissue or fat to be removed from the patient’s body.
In some cases, breast tissue needs to be excised and in that case a small circular incision is made in the areola so that excess fat can be easily removed from the breast. This process can also leave a small scar for some time.
There are some cases where gynecomastia is primarily the basic result of excess fatty tissue in men and in that case liposuction techniques are proving to be best. This is a simple and basic technique in which a cannula is inserted in the breast through two small incisions. After that, the inserted cannula is moved back and forth to loosen the extra fat, which is further removed from the patient’s body by doing vacuum suction.
There are various ways in which excision is used like in the case of areola reduction, or nipple repositioning to make the contour more natural. Incision patterns can be of various types, but which will be best for you totally depend on the specific surgical conditions. There are some cases in which gynecomastia is treated with both the techniques that is liposuction and excision.
So after surgery is completed, various dressings are applied to your incisions and you will also be advised to wear a support garment for sometime to minimize swelling and support your new chest contour.
The procedure is not complete yet as after this, you will be taken to the recovery room , where all nursing staff members will check your dressings regularly and will monitor your pulse and blood pressure on a regular basis. This will help you to recover mre early.
Now, after all this treatment is done, the doctor will prescribe you various pain killers for some days to reduce your pain. If you feel any discomfort during this whole procedure,then it is very important to discuss the same with your nursing staff or doctor.
Gynecomastia Recovery Procedure
After the whole procedure gynecomastia surgery, it takes almost one to two weeks to completely get recover. There are various things which you should keep in mind during this recovery time period and that is you have take this with much more patience and ease to get recover early.
On the other hand, always wear a compression belt during the first week to help your skin retract and preventing fluid accumulation in the affected area.
Therefore, after the first two weeks of the surgery, patients can resume their normal day to day activities and work schedule. The exact result of the surgery will become more clear almost after 6 months of the operation.
So this is all about the procedure and recovery details of the gynecomastia treatment in men. Therefore, if you are suffering from gynecomastia, then surgery can be the best option for you.
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