Home Pregnancy The Dangers Of Black Mold most especially When You Are Pregnant

The Dangers Of Black Mold most especially When You Are Pregnant

by BlogHealth

The Dangers Of Black Mold When You Are Pregnant

Black mold is dangerous for every single person but its damaging effects are even more serious when referring to a pregnant woman. As you are pregnant, mold growth is something that has to be avoided where you live since the negative effects will be much more serious than what many belief. You surely want to remain healthy during pregnancy and this does not only include what you do to take care of yourself in a direct manner.

The really huge problem is that mold growth as a woman is pregnant can lead towards miscarriage or birth effects. Mold is not just dangerous for the mother. It is also dangerous for the fetus. Exposure is a huge factor in the development of child asthma as it will attack the respiratory system.

We saw different reports that highlighted the fact that toxic mold was responsible for sudden infant death syndrome. This was noticed when exposure took place as the child was inside the mother’s womb and even after the birth.

Toxic mold exposure can lead towards miscarriage. Besides the fact that this is a situation you will want to avoid, we should also mention that complications can appear with the pregnancy as the health of the woman is affected. Nose bleeding and abdominal pain become quite common.

The huge problem with toxic mold exposure is that the symptoms can easily be attributed to something else. In some cases doctors simply recommend that the woman uses a weight loss diet plan in order to increase energy and deal with the fatigue that appears when the truth is that we are faced with poisoning that is caused by black mold.

Exercise During pregnancy

It is really important that you are careful about the possibility of being faced with black mold exposure when you hear the news that you are pregnant. The truth is that most people that do have mold problems actually suspect it but they do nothing about it. Since we are talking about the health of both the woman and the child, if this is something that you suspect, you will need to instantly call professionals that can test the home. If mold presence is detected, it has to be removed completely.

Obviously, it is possible to remove mold alone, without the help of a professional. However, since we are talking about pregnancy, this is not at all recommended. There are two reasons why you should not do this alone:

  • The professional can guarantee that the entire mold infestation is removed. That is not something that you can do alone.
  • Removing mold can be physically challenging. You are pregnant so you should avoid all the activities that are too physically demanding.

Good news comes from the fact that black mold can easily be removed from absolutely any home that is infested. This is not a difficult process. At the same time, it is quite cheap so you should not worry too much about the investment you are about to make, even if you cannot think about money when your health and the health of the baby are at stake.

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1 comment

Neil September 17, 2015 - 11:48 am

This is true! There are countless stories of women being exposed to mold during pregnancy and suffering miscarriage or birth defects. However, there is not yet any solid hard scientific evidence that exposure to mold directly causes birth defects. Studies with animals have shown that there is a definite link between black mold and pregnancy, but animals are different than humans, so the results are somewhat inconclusive.


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