No More Worries: Which 6 Symptoms of Pregnancy Are Rather Common and What Do They Mean?
Having a baby can be the most exciting time of your life, but also the scariest. Being pregnant automatically brings with it a slew of new symptoms that you have never experienced before.
Some of those symptoms, like morning sickness, you probably expected to happen. But other symptoms can make you uncertain as to whether it’s common or something you should be concerned about.
While you should always contact your doctor if something is very worrisome, here are six symptoms of pregnancy that many women stress over but are actually quite common!
6 Common Symptoms of Pregnancy and What They Mean
Slight bleeding and cramping early in your pregnancy is very common.
Before you know you are pregnant, light bleeding is probably just an annoyance. After you find out about your gravid status, though, vaginal bleeding may make you freak out.
Spotting or light bleeding is actually one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, though. It’s called implantation bleeding and it happens early in the pregnancy when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of your uterus.
Abdominal cramping around this time is also normal and can feel like menstrual cramps while your uterus adjusts to its new visitor.
Another normal symptom of pregnancy is an increase in headaches.
While your body begins its normal changes to accommodate for your baby, it is normal to experience frequent headaches. These are usually due to increased blood circulation in your body stemming from multiple different hormonal changes that are going on.
However, these headaches can continue throughout your pregnancy as your hormone fluctuations continue to spike and stabilize.
In your second trimester, you can expect to begin feeling Braxton Hicks contractions.
If you have never been pregnant before, the tightening in your stomach and pains in your back can be disconcerting. But these are likely due to something called a Braxton Hicks contraction.
Often, you feel them after physical exertion like exercise or sexual activity. They come and go at odd intervals and go away quickly. However, if your contractions persist and are regular or do not go away quickly, contact your physician as this could be a signal that your body is in preterm labor.
You will also notice vaginal discharge and more frequent urinary tract infections.
Discharge can be clear, sticky, or white. This is normal. But pain when you urinate, fever, and backache could be signs of a urinary tract infection. Contact your doctor if this happens so you can get help in getting rid of this infection before it becomes serious.
Third-trimester contractions are normal.
Once you hit your third trimester, you will probably feel more Braxton Hicks contractions. Since you are so far along, you will probably feel the urge to run to your doctor and ask if the contractions are the real thing. If they are not regular and consistent, they are probably just your uterus preparing for giving birth.
If you are concerned, however, you can always purchase machines that let you track contractions from home with Bloomlife or other similar options. These help you to understand how to time your contractions and when you should head to the hospital.
Heartburn can be a pain, but it is very common also.
During pregnancy, hormones play havoc with all sorts of systems in your body, including your digestive system. Because of this, heartburn is very common. To avoid it, you should eat small meals more often and avoid foods that bring on heartburn, like fried, spicy, or citrus foods.
It’s the Scariest Time of Your Life, But the Best
Pay attention to your symptoms – your body is talking to you. But some of those signs are simply a common conversation between your pregnant body and your brain. Relax and enjoy your new body – you only have it for a short time!