Most women experience some physical and emotional symptoms during menopause, caused by hormonal imbalance. Typically, a woman will begin to experience menopause symptoms around her mid-40 as her body’s reproductive capability comes to the end.
Signs or symptoms of Menopause
Often the first symptom of impending menopause is really a change in menstrual Bleeding. Periods may become lighter or heavier, longer or even shorter, the time between intervals may increase and there could be occasional missed periods. These changes may occur gradually in most women, yet are additional abrupt in others.
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There are also many physical and psychological indicators associated with menopause. In a few women they are very mild whilst in others they are more life-threatening. They may last for just one or two months, or may continue for countless years. The average length of time for menopausal symptoms to become experienced is three to five years.
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Irregular Periods
Causes of primary and secondary amenorrhea
Irregular periods are most popular in the mid fourties. Many conditions can cause irregular periods, though during peri menopause the most common cause is hormonal disproportion. Periods may come earlier or later than just before; bleeding may be lighter or heavier than typical; and periods may be brief or embark on for what feels as an eternity. Skipping periods and “spotting” – blood loss between periods – can also be common symptoms of hormonal disproportion.
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Menstrual irregularity is most popular in a woman throughout her mid-40’s as the lady approaches menopause; the probably cause of this is hormonal imbalance brought on by decreasing levels of estrogen in addition to progesterone. Irregular periods is also caused by other medical conditions or even pregnancy.
Lack of Libido
A hormonal imbalance or prescription drug can lower sex drive. Everyone experiences peaks and valleys in sexual desire, an ebb and flow in libido that could be caused by any of a number of factors. However, for women going through menopause, this sudden drop in desire to have sexual activity or intimacy is usually troubling. In menopausal ladies, the main cause of low
[Tweet “A hormonal imbalance or prescription drug can lower #sex drive. Everyone experiences peaks and valleys in sexual desire, “]
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sexual interest is hormonal imbalance, primarily androgen deficiency. Loss of libido can even be caused by other menopause indicators themselves, such as oral dryness or depression, or by prescription medications, including medication prescribed to treat menopause symptoms.
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Hair Damage or Thinning
Hair loss is usually sudden or gradual losing or thinning of hair on your own head. Hair loss, one of the most extremely physically noticeable menopause indicators, is caused by estrogen lack, because hair follicles need estrogen to sustain hair growth. Hair loss may possibly be sudden or gradual, or manifest as hair loss on the head or other areas of the body, including the pubic spot. Hair may also become drier and much more brittle, and may drop out more while brushing or from the shower.
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Hot flushes & night sweats
The Hot flushes, usually accompanied by excessive sweating, is said to be the most frequent symptom encountered. It is experienced by over 80% of women going through the menopause. The problem arises as changes in hormone degrees upset the temperature regulating perhaps the brain.
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As hot eliminates and sweats often occur together, the two terms may be used interchangeably to describe the identical set of symptoms. A night sweat is merely excessive sweating or a hot flush through the night. As night sweats could cause sleep problems
Irritability and anxiety
Decreasing levels of hormones during the menopause can affect the way the brain functions and women may experience the symptom of mood swings or low mood during the menopause. These symptoms are probably more common than we realise, and very occasionally, changes in hormones can even lead to depression.
[Tweet “#Anxiety and irritability can also be part of the #menopause. “]
Anxiety and irritability can also be part of the menopause. Some women find these symptoms similar in nature to Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and cope with them as such. Occasionally, anxiety or irritability may be accompanied by palpitations, or an awareness of one’s heartbeat.
1 comment
Recognizing the sign of menopause is vital. Most women experience emotional imbalance during that period.