The truth is that getting into amazing shape is really tough unless you know exactly what you need to do. But it can be even harder when you’re suffering from a condition such as hypothyroidism. This disease is relentless and it seems to be spreading around like wildfire, with more and more people getting affected by it every single year.
As of this very moment in time, there are about 29 million individuals all over America that have been diagnosed by their local doctor as having an underactive thyroid, yet there are countless more people out there that have yet to be diagnosed with having the disease! So they are suffering without getting the treatment they need to get better.
Another condition that’s also gaining a lot of notoriety is something that goes by the name of subclinical hypothyroidism. This condition will leave the person who has it experiencing all the symptoms that are common with patients who have hypothyroidism but at the same time, their thyroid will be working perfectly. This condition usually arises among people who are on a poor diet. Simply improving your diet will mean the condition will go away!
Having hypothyroidism essentially means that you’re going to have a slower metabolism than normal which will mean that you are going to burn far fewer calories than a normal individual out there.
Any person that has thyroid glands that are just not working as they should be will find they don’t have enough of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. These thyroid hormones are extremely important because they actually regulate your body’s rate of metabolism.
If you don’t have enough of these vital hormones in your body then you’re just not going to be burning the calories you need to burn to lose the weight you want to lose. This is the very reason why most people who have hypothyroidism struggle to lose weight in the first place.
But you really need not be afraid at all because if you follow the steps below then you’ll be able to lose all the weight you want to lose despite having an underactive thyroid.
Step One: Ensure You Get a Fully Qualified Doctor To Check You Over, Diagnose You and Then Give You Treatment
Getting a full diagnosis from your doctor is one of the most important things that you’re ever going to do. In fact, it’s the most important step of all if you want to get your health back to where it should be.
How you’re diagnosed will totally depend upon the results of the blood test that you’re given. This blood test will definitely not be anything complicated but basically, be measuring two very simple things. The first is how much T3 and T4 you have and the second is how much TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) you have run about in your blood. Should you have high amounts of the latter (TSH) and low amounts of the former (T4 and T3) then there is a pretty good chance that you are indeed suffering from hypothyroidism.
If you are among the many people that have been officially diagnosed as suffering from hypothyroidism then your doctor will usually prescribe you with some sort of synthetic T4… most of the time you’ll get something known as levothyroxine.
This medication will help to get your levels of thyroid hormone back into the right range which will, of course, mean that your metabolism will start to rise and that my friend is exactly what you want when you’re trying to lose weight.
Step Two: Start Eating Way More Healthy Meals
When it comes to losing weight with hypothyroidism, the only step that’s going to matter in the long run is making sure that you eat healthy as possible. The fat on your body will literally melt away if you’re able to do this so please make sure that you start including a good amount of protein and vegetables with every meal that you make.
While we all know just how important vegetables are when it comes to getting into great health, protein is equally important. You might not know this but protein is very, very satiating and it also has the great benefit of helping to protect your metabolism-boosting muscle mass which is very important when you’re serious about losing weight!
Step 3: Start Consuming Foods Rich in Fiber and Cut Out All The Junk Foods
Eating foods that contain a ton of sugar in them is really not a great idea because it’s just going to result in you gaining a ton of weight! Rather you need to do whatever you can to stop eating junk foods and start eating a lot more foods that contain a good amount of fiber in them. These foods are great for making sure that your digestive system works as it should do.
Fiber-rich foods are also extremely satiating which is great news when your main mission is to lose a ton of weight in no time at all!
Step 4: Exercise Often
You might be surprised to know that even a little bit of exercise every single day is enough to help you get into really incredible shape! So if you’re not able to get yourself to the gym then I’d highly recommend that you at least take a walk around the block every single evening! Whatever little you do will help to boost up your metabolism, which is key to helping you burn more calories.
Not only does exercise help you lose an incredible amount of weight in no time at all but doing things like getting involved with weight training will help you build up a great amount of muscle mass which is extremely important in helping you get your metabolism boosted up!
The higher you can get your metabolism to be the more calories you’re going to end up burning which is exactly what you want when your primary goal is to shed all that excess fat!
Always remember that the key to losing weight with hypothyroidism is to make sure that you’re consistent in the efforts that you exert.
You really need to make sure that you keep a positive mental attitude and keep putting in the hard work every single day. Do this again and again and it’s only going to be a matter of time before you end up in the best shape of your life, and you won’t even remember that you have hypothyroidism!
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