When you notice any or more of the symptoms of menorrhagia, you need to see a doctor and tell him/her what you are going through. Your doctor will ask you a lot of questions regarding your symptoms and also examine you.
A blood test will be carried out on you to know the cause of your blood loss and to also check for pregnancy. This test will also be able to predict if you have anemia caused by this heavy loss of blood.
Another test called Pap smear or pelvic exam might also be needed to check the shape and size of your ovaries and uterus. This is done by inserting a warm speculum gently into your vagina, this tool opens your vagina to expose your cervix to your doctor.
Another diagnosis method that might be required is a biopsy, in this method, small pieces of tissues are removed from your endometrium and sent to the lab for tests.
An ultrasound can also be used to know the cause of your bleeding, this method uses sound waves to show pictures on a screen. An hysteroscopy might be used to help your doctor have a look at your abdomen. This is done by inserting a small tube having a camera at one end into your uterus.
How menorrhagia is Treated Conventionally?
Use of Drugs
In conventional medicine, women with menorrhagia are given medicines and each drug given has its own functions. The most common drugs given are NSAIDs like ibuprofen which can even be gotten without a doctor’s prescription.
NSAIDs work by reducing pains but it has some unpleasant side effects. It causes kidney problems and stomach bleeding in some people and it is not safe for people on blood thinner medications. Always ask your doctor if you can take NSAIDs if you are on blood thinning medication.
Another set of drugs that can be given to women with menorrhagia is iron supplement and the main aim of this medicine is to prevent shortage of blood or anemia caused by menorrhagia.
Menorrhagia can reduce the levels of iron in your bloodstream and this important mineral iron increases your blood and it is also used in making red blood cells.
Hormones are also given to women to stop or slow the rate of bleeding and they also make your menstruation more regular. They can be given to you as intrauterine device (IUD) or birth control pills.
This is the last method of treating menorrhagia and this method is only considered or used when drugs have failed or drugs can’t be administered. Dilation and curettage, endometrial ablation, or other surgical procedures might be used to control the bleeding. Hysterectomy or uterine embolization might also be done to correct the situation.
When to Seek Medical Emergency?
If you notice any of the symptoms below, please see a medical doctor as soon as possible.
- When the whites of your eyes or your skin turn yellow
- When you have shortness of breath and chest pain
- When you have severe cramps and abdominal pains
- When you have nausea and vomiting
- When your heart is racing, that is, beating faster than normal
- When you feel confused
- When you feel dizzy, especially when you stand
- When you experience cold in your hands and feet
- When you have constant fatigue
- When you have to change your pad every 1 hour