Loads of us start the New Year with intentions to get more active, but, by now, lots of us have started losing momentum. Statistics indicate that 80% of resolutions are broken within just four weeks. Just in case your efforts are flagging, we thought we’d help give you some fresh inspiration with five easy ways to burn 250 calories.
Get out in the garden
It’s the time of year when the lawn needs mowing again after laying dormant all winter. Instead of waiting for your other half to get busy with the mower, give it a go yourself. Just forty minutes of mowing is not only therapeutic, it also burns a great 250 calories. If you prefer weeding and planting out, then simple gardening burns the same amount of calories in 45 minutes.
Hit the High Street
This is one of our favourites, not that we need any encouragement. Shopping sees you getting active without even thinking about it. Believe it or not an hour of shopping burns the same amount of calories as 30 minutes of swimming.
Get in the Swim
When it comes to swimwear for larger ladies UK women have a great choice available these days. From two piece tankinis to the new swim dresses, you can have every confidence that you look great when you take to the pool. Swimming for around 30 minutes burns roughly 250 minutes. You might find that an aqua-aerobics class could be a good idea. It’s more social and having an ‘appointment’ to attend a couple of times a week will make you less likely to duck out at the last minute. Aqua aerobics burns 250 calories in 45 minutes.
Rough and Tumble
Next time the grandchildren ask you to play with them over and over again, take them up on it. Having fun playing with kids for around 45 minutes can burn 250 calories. The best thing is that you’ll be having so much fun, you won’t even notice.
Get the duster out
Doing the housework isn’t something that many of us consider to be great fun, but you might look at it in a different light when you realise that just one hour of housework burns around 250 calories. If, like us, you like to stick on the radio and have a bit of a boogie at the same time you’ll burn as many as 15% per cent more. What more encouragement do you need to get the vacuum out?
These are awesome tips for burning calories, thanks for sharing them with us.
@Joe am Glad you Like it, hope to see you next time..
Kind Regards
I fight to lose weight. Thanks for the tips;)