You should know you are suffering from Halitosis (Bad breath), when your friend and loved ones keep a long distance when talking with you.
Bad breath, also known because Halitosis, is breath containing an unpleasant odor. This odor can strike routinely or be persistent, depending on the cause. In many people, the millions of bacteria that are in the mouth (particularly for the back of the tongue) include the primary causes of bad breath. The mouth’s warm, moist conditions make the best environment for these bacteria growing. Most bad breath is brought on by something in the oral cavity
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Halitosis (bad breath) is mostly caused by sulphur-producing bacteria that normally live on the surface of the tongue and in the throat. Sometimes, these bacteria start to break down proteins in a very high rate and also odorous volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) are released on the back of the Tongue and throat.
What are the common causes of Halitosis (Bad Breath)?
Infections in the mouth:
Certain mouth problems can exacerbate bacterial development and odor, such seeing that gum disease and dry out mouth. Gum disease causes bloody gums, creating more elements for those pesky bacteria to putrefy. But it is a dry mouth that could be the more common cause of bad breath. Saliva aids flush out the mouth, keeping bacteria moving so one of these doesn’t settle down and multiply, while drier mouth is really a breeding ground for germs.
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You may want to know, Smoking is one of the major causes of halitosis, Smoking is not only bad for your health, it can also give you the bad Breath Ever
Stinky Foods:
If it stinks going in, chances are it’s going to stink coming out. The obvious offenders are onions, garlic, alcohol and tobacco. And foods don’t only create a stench in the mouth. “Plant oils are absorbed and the byproducts enter your bloodstream so you are actually breathing the odors out via your lungs three to four hours later,” says Jeannie Moloo, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association
Poor dental hygiene:
Sporadic or improper brushing and flossing can leave foods particles to decay into the mouth, which promotes bacterial growth between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue.
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Dry mouth (xerostomia):
This is often caused by salivary gland problems, medications or by “mouth inhaling.”
Body Disease:
According to the American Dietetic Association, Halitosis (Bad Breath) can also be caused by body disease, which means it’s possible to have bad breath when you are suffering from a particular Disease such as Diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, lung illness, sinus disease, reflux disease yet others
After Noticing you are suffering from Halitosis (Bad Breath) Where to get Help:
Now that you know you are suffering from Halitosis, you need to get help, but the most question of every patient mind is where can i get help?
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- Your doctor
Dentist (If you are in Nigeria we suggest you Visit Platinum Dental Surgery)
Can bad breath Destroy a relationship?
No matter how much you love someone, Halitosis or bad breath is never a joyful thing, the fact is no one wants to stay with someone who is suffering from bad breath, even though Halitosis can be cure and is not really a big issue, but it is also important to know that halitosis needs to be treated immediately you discover you are suffering from it. Halitosis is one
Great! you have hit the common issue to which many people suffering from.They go to the doctors but as I know it proves all in vain.I am glad to know the real causes of bad breath.That’s a great post.Thanks
Great post! This is somehow a very common topic but it’s very helpful for some who really doesn’t know. It’s really a drag when you have bad breath, there are lots of moments in your life that might be ruined like a date with a love one. Thanks for this very informative post.