Causes of Hemorrhoids
There are lots of different myths about the causes of hemorrhoids. This has a lot of wide-ranging consequences. Many people might think that they have hemorrhoids when they don’t, and the opposite scenario is just as likely. Hemorrhoids have a wide range of different causes, in fact, and it’s important for people to get a sense of what they can do to either address or treat hemorrhoids.
Toilet Habits
There are certain specific toilet habits that are more likely to lead to hemorrhoids than others. For instance, the people who tend to strain a lot during bowel movements will be much more likely to get hemorrhoids than the general population. As such, anything that causes straining during bowel movements will have a tendency to indirectly cause hemorrhoids.
People who have chronic issues with constipation, for instance, will often eventually develop hemorrhoids. Many individuals who are constantly trying to avoid going to the bathroom for whatever reason will risk getting hemorrhoids at some point. It’s possible that people who tend to have very large bowel movements on a regular basis will be more likely to get hemorrhoids as well. Causing chronic irritation to the area can eventually lead to the symptoms of hemorrhoids, and that is one of the things that all of these habits have in common.
Some toilet habits that seem to be fairly benign can lead to hemorrhoids as well, however. A lot of people enjoy sitting on the toilet for long periods of time in order to read or use their phones. However, this is the sort of habit that can ultimately cause strain on the lower bowel, even though it won’t feel like that. People who spend a lot of time in the bathroom sitting on the toilet will be more likely to get hemorrhoids.
Many pregnant women develop hemorrhoids. The rapid changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy can be extensive. Even pregnant women who are very physically active and who otherwise follow every single health guideline that they can still develop hemorrhoids. The process of going through labor might even make the hemorrhoids worse. Women who have had multiple pregnancies are even more likely to get hemorrhoids.
There is some controversy about the dietary patterns that might cause hemorrhoids. People who eat very low-fiber diets might end up with chronic constipation, and this can lead to hemorrhoids. However, people who eat very high-fiber diets may be more likely to get chronic diarrhea, and this can also lead to hemorrhoids.
The fact that high-fiber diets tend to cause very large bowel movements might also be a risk factor since people will tend to strain when they are passing very large bowel movements. Finding the exact right dietary quantity of fiber can be tough. Different people also have different fiber needs. In order to prevent hemorrhoids, it’s probably best for people to find what quantity of fiber feels ideal for them. They should not be straining at any point.
Excessive Contact
Almost anything that involves excessively irritating the lower bowel can cause hemorrhoids. Some people could give themselves hemorrhoids through anal intercourse, anal masturbation, or even constant itching in the area. People who constantly wash out that area will also potentially cause enough irritation to lead to hemorrhoids. However, it should be noted that these are among the less common causes of hemorrhoids.
[bs-quote quote=”I saw a sign one time that said ‘hemorrhoids awareness week’ at the doctor’s office. Let me tell you if you got hemorrhoids, I’m sure you are aware of it. You don’t need a sign to tell anybody about it.” style=”default” align=”center” author_name=”Larry the Cable Guy”][/bs-quote]
Constant Sitting or Standing
People who are always sitting or standing will often cause a lot of strain to their lower bowels, and therefore hemorrhoids. The standing desk fad might be leading to more cases of hemorrhoids, in fact. People who are constantly sitting or standing should try to move around at different points in order to get their bodies into different positions. Sitting or standing for long periods of time is not healthy in general. It’s better to be in motion more often throughout the day.
It’s possible that people who spend a lot of time in bed will have similar issues. Bed-ridden individuals tend to develop a lot of different health problems, and that includes hemorrhoids. Some of the causes of hemorrhoids are easily avoidable. However, other people might have a hard time avoiding hemorrhoids altogether, given their health problems and lifestyle.